
For those of you that don't know me.

My name is Paul I have been drawing and making stuff my whole life, including a time as a teenager I used to design skateboards and sell at my local skate shop. 

These days I mostly work with leather and design and make all kinds of products myself. Those who have seen me out at events here in the UK will know me as the Pirate. 

The story behind the Pirate.

Well, when I met a fellow crafter and we decided to work together on permanent collaboration we had a moment where we visited a trade show in utility kilts and heavy leather aprons, the reaction we got sparked an idea, we can't just show up as "normal" people we need something more. So we decided to make up our characters based on tabletop/roleplay ideas. So . . . 

The Pirate is a high elven prince who had a rebellious stage, he drank too much he over indulged, he became more akin to slightly taller dwarves by his actions this of course brought shame to the clean uptight family of high elves. One day when he had been scorned for his appearance and moreso for the growth of facial hair, he ran out of the palace and went in search of a magical tricorn he had heard about. This is where everything started getting weird, once he had stolen the tricorn (another angst moment) he placed it on his head with ideas of sailing away on a ship. While pirates were uncommon in the area of the world he lived in there was still a lot of water trade and fear of ships getting attacked.

The tricorns magic was set to its master, but this boy was no master to the hat, this made the hat react in a way cursing him but not so much in a way he was cursed more that his presence would curse others around him. He hid on a trading vessel "The Black Bull" a leather trading ship, as the guards were looking for him when the new "luck" started to take effect. Despite seeing no one on deck as he snuck aboard the ship started to move and he could hear the crew running around on deck.

After being found by the crew who knew who he was immediately, they made many attempts to pass him onto ships heading back to port as they had left in a hurry to beat a storm, every ship they had tried passing him to sank almost as if his extra frame was just too much. Before long the Black Bull was laden with people from other ships and still no way of sending the prince home, but the ship also now had a reputation. the ships that never showed up had many people jump into longboats and row away, talking of a pirate ship and how the captain could set foot on your deck and sink the ship without a single cannon shot. 

They couldn't go anywhere near the port now, and still all the extra fuss and weight had slowed the ship. The storm hit, and it hit hard. Throwing men from the masts and washing them overboard by the time the ship got close to unchartered land the remaining crew was too busy to spot the rocks, as the ship hit she tore in half throwing people into the water below. the ship came to rest as the remaining crew struggled to help those in the water, but this was siren rocks. The sirens made quick work of the dazed and weary sailors, and by the time the "captain" our stowaway high elf brat, emerged everything was silent. 

This is where he became a part of The Wanderers Artificium. 
